Established 26 January, 2005
The Wide Bay Chapter of the MG Car Club Queensland is the oldest of the Club’s established Chapters. It was founded in 2005 by a circle of dedicated sports car enthusiasts located in Hervey Bay and celebrates its anniversary every Australia Day when, by Presidential fiat, it was brought into official existence.
The Chapter continues to grow with its coverage including the rural cities of Maryborough, Hervey Bay and Gympie, as well as the smaller country towns between. If you are young at heart, fancy sports cars and the MG Marque, reside in our area and relish company, come and join us at the MGCCQ (Wide Bay Chapter).
Chapter Coordinators:
David Hall - Phone: 07 4125 8436, Mobile: 0407 573 326, Email: widebaymg@gmail.com
Lyn Hayward - Mobile: 0407 573 326
Wednesday, 9 February 2022 seemed like a great idea to have a run in our MGs with the Sun was out with a slight breeze. It was just so good driving our MG with the top down enjoying mother nature.
Despite the added threat of the virus spreading through Queensland we decided to continue our runs to outdoor venues and so today we had a very nice time at a tropical paradise for morning tea.
We all sat in the Bali hut at Bamboo Land and devoured our morning tea. Some went wandering among the Statues and Exotic Plants that have been planted to make this the great tourist attraction in our area and what's more it is free entry. We usually purchase plants from the picturesque on site displays.
All enjoyed our time there, however it was time to travel to Burrum Heads Lions Park by the Water seemed like a nice place to have a Fish and Chips lunch .
All the members came well prepared, with their chairs in a giant circle. They all get on so well and enjoy each others company. What great chapter members we have here in the Wide Bay!
Another enjoyable day in the Hervey Bay Maryborough Region. We are all looking forward to the next time we can meet up again

Photo from Wide Bay Chapter whale watching on 9 September, 2021
Sunday Morning 24th October
The members of the Wide Bay Chapter rallied together for a trip to Teddington Weir for morning tea . After monos we crossed the Weir and followed the road out through the Countryside of Bidwell .
Things are changing out that way as Sugar Cane fields are being replaced by Macadamia Nut Trees not just a few but Acres and Acres there must be millions of new trees planted which will change the landscape forever
We had a nice drive down the Cooloola Coast Road to Boonooroo, a little country fishing town with a great Bowls Club where we had our lunch. In total we had 28 members with a couple of visitors. It was nice to see Rick and Jan come up from Cooloola Cove and Peter and Delia from Tinbeerwah. We all had a great time together. Rick and Jan and Kevin and Marie followed us home to check out the TF restoration. All in all another nice day had with the members of the MGCCQ Wide Bay Chapter.

Wednesday 14th July, 2021
The Wide Bay Chapter enjoyed a quiet run along the Beautiful Esplanade of Hervey Bay finishing at the Botanical Gardens and the Orchid House in Urangan.
There were 26 Members in 13 Cars arriving at our departure point at the United Service Station Hervey Bay, 7 MG's 2 BMW's 3 moderns and the Fantastic Rolls Royce of Ken and Val Bossom's. Ken had to sell his beautiful Morris Minor Woody as he was having trouble getting in and out of it.
No problems with the Rolls though there is room to hold one big party. But the very best scenario is that Since the Roll's came to live in Ken's Garage his Health has improved out of sight and he and Val have been able to join us all once again.
The weather was beautiful and with a High tide the trip through Gatakers Bay was stunning and surprisingly enough the traffic in the busy parts of the esplanade wasn't too bad either. On arriving at the Botanical Gardens we all enjoyed our Morning tea in the wonderful setting looking out over the Lake with the Fountain gushing.
It was very enjoyable, there were great conversations about solving the World's problems and forgetting about our own.
After Morno's we visited the Orchid House where there were many Orchids in flower, we had the privilege of having our own personal guide to explain the different varieties.
Most of us were enjoying the day so much we decided to stay on for Lunch, taking advantage of a bakery over the road where we devoured Pies, Pasties and Bee Stings YUM.
A credit to the Fraser Coast Regional Council to the way the Parks and Gardens on the Coast are maintained. Everything is always so clean and tidy wherever we go it makes it very easy for us to enjoy being out and about in our beautiful environment.
David & Lyn
Wide Bay Chapter

An interesting story
Ken and Val have been longtime members of the Wide Bay Chapter of the MGCCQ.
They have had many collectable cars in their lives, MGs included. The Morris Minor Woody got sold early this year as Ken was unable to get in and out of it very easily so this was going to be their Last Classic car they owned, Ken’s health was failing and Val said to us on many occasions that she didn't think they would ever buy another collectable car.
However Ken was searching the Web one day and found this Rolls for sale in Melbourne . He was EXCITED and after photos and correspondence were exchanged they came to an agreement with the seller and Ken made the decision to purchase the Rolls .
He got it brought by Transport to Hervey Bay and Ken and Val now have a new lease on life, surprising what a car can do for your health and well being especially when you love them as much as Ken and Val. This car has brought back so many memories of times when they were young and newly married . Read Ken's Story attached and you will understand.
David & Lyn Wide Bay Chapter MGCCQ
Ken was a bus driver; this is when he met Valerie. Not long after this he was able to acquire the position of chauffeur to the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough, at Blenheim palace Woodstock Oxon with beautiful accommodation.
This is where they married and had 2 children Anita, and Deborah.- during his time there he met many royals, and Sir Winston Churchill. In 1960 Ken was offered the position as 2nd chauffeur to HM the Queen, but after an extensive interview turned it down as it included half a year away at times, and was only suitable for a single person, and the pay was less, and the flat offered was a disgrace, he was told no one had ever turned down such a position.(Ken often tells people that he was then thrown into the tower of London, and ended up in Australia).
His love of beautiful cars, set a bucket list that one day, he would own a Rolls, Valerie has now hidden his bucket.
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For Sale now in Classifieds