Established 20 August, 2016​
Richard Collier
Ph: 0418 792766
Email: richard_lynn_c@hotmail.com
Whitsunday Chapter (North Region) Contact
Ross Chisholm - MG F owner
Ph: 0429 584787
Works: Whitsunday Sailing Club
Email: rosschisholm@gmail.com
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Whitsunday Chapter (South Region) Activity Report
13thFebruary 2022 – Attend “Covered in Chrome” followed by short run, morning tea and private museum visit. Report by Richard Collier.
Weather predictions for the day were less than favourable, increasing winds and coastal showers. Combined with report increases in local COVID-19 infections saw many members erring on the side of caution. With this front of mind, we knew it was a big ask to expect a large turnout to either event.
As the day dawned, the weather gave every indication that the forecasters had got it right. After several phone calls, group decision that daily drives be wheeled out whilst our precious classics remained safe, sound, and dry in their respective garages. With no Chapter cars on display (several land cruisers), attendees ordered “take away coffee” which allowed a level of separation to be maintained.
A potential fair weather window appeared to be opening, group agreeance not to cancel run and continue as planned, meeting up with two MG cars along the route. Amended run sheet recorded cars and participants as MGBV8 (Gerry & Barbara Degura); MGRV8 (Roger & Lesley Green & Dougal); Cruiser 1 (Ian & Eileen Hall) and Cruiser 2 (Richard Collier).
The small convey arrived at their planned destination under ever threatening skies. The group received a warm welcome from host Chris of “Yesterdays Memories”, located some 17kms north of Mackay. It is a privately owned small museum with good parking and access for grey nomads.
Chris has assembled a wide and varying collection of artifacts over the past forty years covering life in the district during the early twentieth century and includes a small adjacent cemetery and former church site. As is the case with many museums, display space is at a premium with many items still in storage and/or awaiting changeout with displayed items. To do justice to the collection at least three to four hours should be allocated. Under the cover of several large mango trees with thick canopy, morning tea was spread out on tables provided by host who regaled attendees with background information and stories supporting the collection during morning tea. Unlike some previous morning teas at other venues, which will remain nameless, there were no complaints about the service nor food quality as BYO to share with the wider group was in play.
With one eye on the weather, the small group were given a personalised tour which provided ample opportunities for questions responses. With the inclement weather closing in it was decided to pack up and head for home, at least this was true for those whose weatherproofing was marginal and more aligned with sun protection than keeping dry.
​Overall, an excellent visit enhanced by an informative host, good facilities, and the high quality of items on display. The decision to proceed was the correct one with participants reaping the benefits associated with a small, personalised group.

Whitsunday Chapter (South) Report 14th November 2021.
Participation in “Covered in Chrome” Compiled by Richard Collier.
Following a week of high humidity, above average temperatures (day and night) and rainfall which turned out to be much less than the Bureau of Meteorology forecast, the day dawned with clear blue skies, rising humidity and temperature steadily climbing.
Early risers could choose display parking bays and for a while it appeared that attendee numbers would be well down on usual numbers. Just as the morning sun began to raise itself so too did the cars on display. As the early morning car numbers rose, shade was also at a premium and for many the place to be, the air conditioned café adjacent to the display cars.
Overall car numbers on display were down however keen observers would not be disappointed with what was on display. Pleasing to record eight Chapter members attended Covered in Chrome and with no car run scheduled on the day due forecast weather conditions, attendees were under no pressure to re-group with the run cars and free to depart at their leisure.
An MG Sprite (British Racing Green) recently restored by a local enthusiast generated much interest along with the Jaguar V12.
Attendee cars missing from photograph include:
Jim Forrest (MGF); John Evetts (MGBGT); Jim Robb (MGB); Peter Mumford (MGA).
Photograph includes Rod Pacey (Porsche 911); Richard Collier & Roger Green (MGF), Bob Evetts (MGA MKII) and V12 Jaguar. Ford enthusiasts, the car in background is a “top shelf” restored Ford 351 Phase III sedan.

Whitsunday Chapter (South Region) Report
12 September 2021
Participate in “Covered in Chrome” followed by brunch at “Charlies”, Porters Mitre 10 – compiled Richard Collier.
In what turned out to be an eventful morning, the new day dawned with clear skies and mild temperatures, spring was upon us. Despite completion of car checks the previous evening, one was confronted with a flat battery in the MGA MKII when preparing to attend Covered in Chrome. Following an assisted (jump) start, yours truly was about to leave the safe confines of home only to receive a call from Chapter member that his car (MGBGT) was experiencing power issues (loose charger belt) and that he would be a late starter.
Trouble usually runs in “three” I thought, who says I am superstitious, what else could go wrong. We didn’t have to wait long before the MGA MKJJ lost power in what turned out to be fuel starvation. With a quarter of a tank showing on the gauge, the car had been on numerous trips in the past with similar gauge readings and no issues, we clearly had “good luck” on our side back when. With the provision of liquid amber (fuel), we were soon on our way with no further issues. Upon arrival the usual expected banter about what constitutes “enough” on a fuel gauge (TF has a calibrated wooden stick) was expected and taken up by Chapter members.
Competing car events planned for the weekend, it was a big ask for many cars to turn out for the monthly Covered in Chrome event at the Mackay Marina complex. From an MG Chapter perspective, it was pleasing to record a good roll up.
The “run sheet” had the car owners making their own way from the marina, to meet up at “Charlies” from 0930hrs. With table reservation in place, members were seated, and conversations were quickly struck up across numerous topics with time out for the placement of food and beverage orders.
The table service was quick and efficient, the food of a high standard and facilities clean and tidy with friendly staff.
Attendees included Richard Collier (MGA MKII); Jim Forest (MG F), John Evetts (MGBGT), Jim Robb (MGB); Paul & Dianne Octrin (MGBGT); Gerry & Barbara Deguara (MGBv8); Rod Pacey & Beverly (Porsche 911) and Peter Mumford (MGA coup).
For Sale now in Classifieds