When people were asked to send in their photos of 'Past Masters of the Hill' we received quite a lot of photos from MGCCQ events other than the hillclimb. We also receive, from time to time, many wonderful photos from Club events from years ago.
The aim of these NOSTALGIA pages is to give you access to all these photographs and, in doing so, give you an insight into some of the history of the Club.
If you have any photos or news of Club members or Club events from days gone by that you would like to be considered for adding to these pages, please email them to Elaine at vprojects@internode.on.net.
This first page is devoted to photographs and items of general historical interest. Malcolm Spiden has done some detailed research into the history of the Club and his article on the first two years of the Club can be accessed here.
(Click each link)

In 1959 some Club members made a visit to Russell Lowry's office at the MG Car Club's Home Centre where Russell Lowry was General Secretary. Photographed are from L to R: Dan Mullen, Mary (who worked with Russell Lowry), Russell Lowry, Greg Newton and John Muller.
PHOTOS FROM THE LATE 50s from PETER STOKES, member number 119.
Can you identify any of the people (other than Peter), cars and places in these photographs? If so, could you email the information to Elaine Hamilton at vprojects@internode.on.net?

Meeting of the Club's inaugural committee -
L to R: Miles Hunter, Phil Hickey, Ernie Ansell, Fred Dyke (Sec), Frank Taylor (Pres), John Muller, Sam Pollard, John Gill, Bob Burnett and Graeme Muller (Treas).
(Len Austin and Bill Weekes are also shown in the Club records as being on this committee but are not in the photo which was supplied by John Muller)
(Above & Below) The Swift Service Station at Morningside run by Fred and Avery Dyke. Fred and his daughter, Yvonne, were founding members of the Club. This Nuffield dealership became a 'de facto' Club headquarters.
Pictured are from left:
Yvonne Dyke next to her father's Riley Pathfinder,
Vince Jordan with his MGA,
Fred Dyke with a supercharged MG TF,
Len Austin with his MG TF
Paul Hendle with his MG TD.
The TC, third from the right was owned by the guy in the white shirt, DAVE SEMPFEL who was a regular customer at Swift. The names of the others are, as yet, unknown. Information on them would be welcomed.
This photo was taken by Dave Williams as he stood in the middle of Wynnum Rd, something he declares he would not do today! Dave relates an interesting story concerning the car on the far right which is a PA. The owner was driving along Wynnum Rd with the PA on a car trailer when he saw the line-up ready for their photo to be taken. He stopped and asked if he could be part of the photo, took the PA off the trailer, had the photo taken, reloaded the car on the trailer and went on his way.
(Photos supplied by Ken Ebeling and Dave Williams).

Thanks to Nan Beanland (formerly Hunter) we now know that the lady on the right in the white blouse is Nessie Hunter (later Lovejoy) and the people in the background are Miles Hunter and their daughter, Nan and the car was their black TF. With the Hunter name on many of the Club
trophies, it is good to be able to put faces to the donors of them.
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