MT COTTON HILLCLIMB SERIES - Round 5 - 7-8 - September, 2019
Round 5 of the 2019 Hillclimb series was held in good conditions though the thought of those suffering in the bushfire areas was probably in the minds of many.
Geoff Cohen once again broke his class record for Group Q - Sports while Dean Amos took out both Fastest time of day (36.94) and Top six (36.80). Others in the top six were - Brett Bull (41.35), Stan Pobjoy (54.06), Paul van Wijk (40.95), David Quelch (41.36) and Warwick Hutchinson (38.92). The downside to the day was Jim Milliner's accident which brought his competition to an end after about 6 six runs.
Let's hope we see Jim back on track in the very near future.
First 7 photos are from Ian Colley and the remainder from Peter Buchanan. 26 Minutes of video from Peter Buchanan is available for viewing on either his Facebook page or the Club's Facebook page. Have the sound on and, as a bonus, you can hear Richard Mattea's commentary.
Ian Colley has uploaded his photos from Rd 5 of the Hillclimb series and they can be viewed here
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