The very successful and well-received 2019 came to its climax on Monday, 22 April. Those results will be included here very soon. Some results I can report with much pride is that our website missed out on winning the Website Trophy by only half a point from Geelong, with South Australia 3rd. We also achieved second place in the Magazine Trophy from Victoria with Gold Coast 3rd. There was an entry of more than 60 photos in the Photography competition and while Sydney members took out wins in three of the four categories, David Hall from our Wide Bay Chapter was the winner in the Best Action Photo category.
The first major event was the Concours on Saturday, 20 April, when the weather gods chose to 'play' with the participants by sending down a variety of weather which had people trying to scurry for cover faster than the squalls which were coming in from the bay.
A look at the following photos depicts the great array of MGs on display including the changing weather (look for heavy rainshowers coming in from the bay in some photos and sunshine and shadows in others). See dropdown in menu for more photos!!
There were difficulties faced by the judges but also good spirits and smiles, which no amount of rain could wipe off people's faces, as they all made the best they could of the situation.
Photos from other events will be added as they become available. In the meantime photos of Registration and Scrutineering on the Friday and more photos of Concours - all taken by Ian Colley - can be found on his
website where you will also be able to tell which further delights await you there. The link to his website and these photos is here.
Another way to access his photos is by going to the 2019 National Meeting page and look under the Menu heading Events -> Photo Gallery.
Club member, Mark Wellard, took some great photos at the National Meeting and has made them available for viewing. Go to http://wellard.jalbum.net/1035%20-%20April%202019/index.html
This selection of photos from Paul Lupton and Lyn Rushby includes photos of the Timeline of National meeting photos, the gathering together, briefing and start of the observation run, a photo of the theme night venue, Shaun Rankin with the regalia trailer and Richard Mattea with Peter Cook from the UK.

Friday was busy with Registration and Scrutineering. (Photos from Berenice Stratton and Lyn Hayward and David Hall)

Friday night at the National Meeting was Noggin 'n' Natter and Rocker Cover racing night (Photos from David Hall and Lyn Hayward)

The first MGCC National Meeting in Sydney January 1970.
Five members of the Queensland club went to Sydney for the first ever MG car clubs of Australia National Meeting to be held over the 9th-10th-11th of January, 1970.
Peter Rayment 'TC’ and Ross Horton TR4 went down independently. Jon McCarthy, Will Charlton, both in MGBs and me in the “Truck” (MGC-GT), travelled as a group down the dreaded Pacific Highway with the inevitable road-works and rain where we went through a couple of the famous NSW DMR De-Tours with wet sandy loam which coated the undersides of our carefully cleaned cars.
By the time we reached our Motel in Lidcombe this muck had dried solid and all the Motel had was 1 garden hose without a nozzle which flowed like an empty rain water tank so three filthy cars were not well cleaned.
Friday night was a Barbecue at St. Ives, the home of the Sydney Club’s Competition Secretary with a steak and a beer, or two, at $2-00 a head. Getting back to Lidcombe was a navigation exercise at 1 o’Clock in the morning. The one way roads we went there with were OK but to get back using different roads and no UBDs was, to say the least, quite difficult.
Saturday was the Concours staged in the gardens of Vaucluse House. There was a lot of interest in the “Truck” as nobody outside the Brisbane area had ever seen an MGC-GT before. We had been interstate a few times but nobody knew there was one of these in “OZ”.
Saturday night was interesting as we had to go to the Chevron Hotel at Potts Point for a Dinner Dance. I had forgotten that the 3 of us crammed into the “Truck” with Jon jammed into the Kiddy seat and big Will in the passenger seat. John or Will reminded me of this. Saturday night was typical January in Sydney, hot, and we went from the Motel down Parramatta road to the city.
In those days the police booked you if you travelled over 35mph anywhere except Parramatta road [they just wanted the traffic to flow and it surely did] so three country lads found what a continuous Red light Drag Strip was like. There were tuned 179 Holden Utes and everything that could mix it with them everywhere all doing wheel spin starts at every green light, with screaming drum brakes at each red one. We thought this was for us and joined in, [I think there may have been a lot of encouragement from Jon and Will to get into it] this only encouraged them to have a go at this MGB and try even harder, what a drive.
I thought if you lived here you would need a new clutch every year. When we parked at the Chevron I seem to remember the poor old “Truck” was boiling.
Sunday was competition day, no gymkhana or social runs at the first National Meeting but a Hill Climb and a quarter mile oiled dirt short circuit at Amaroo Park, Annangrove.

The Sydney club had organised a supply of Crash Helmets and Fire Extinguishers for visiting club members. The Amaroo climb was tricky for a first timer with a short straight followed by a tight right turn then uphill to an extremely tight left hander with a ginormous boulder just of the track, to the inside of the turn which scared the pants off the new boys. I forget how the rest of the Hill went I just remember the boulder. I was doing well against the TR4 and TR5 competition with Ross Horton pushing me in his TR4 then on the last run for Ross he took a full second off my time and there was just no way that the terrible handling, understeering “Truck” could beat him by 1.1 seconds so he won the over 2 litre class.
The dirt circuit really showed I was driving a “Council Grader”, wheels on lock and car going straight ahead like a Grader blade does with wheels on full lock, not a sports car but a truck. This really confirmed the name “Truck” for the C-GT. Accelerated like a truck handled like a truck and was heavy like a truck. Try as I might I couldn’t get the rear out and then use power or use power to get the rear out the roll and understeer defied all efforts. Ross killed me on the dirt as well. The standard MGC is a dangerous car on loose gravel surfaces.
We all thought what a wonderful event the first National Meeting had been and planned to go to the next one which from memory didn’t happen in Melbourne the next year as was planned.
Bruce Ibbotson Member # 600.
Photos by Elaine Hamilton

These photos were taken at the Presentation of Trophies night and are only a small selection of those taken by Ian Colley on the night. Go to his website here and view the other few hundred and you won't be disappointed! All of Ian Colley's photos are now loaded onto his website and are available for viewing and purchase here.
You are able to buy, direct from his web site, individual photos from the Concours, Hillclimb or Motorkhana as digital downloads in two sizes or as prints up to 8” x 12” all shown on the photo viewing pages. You also still have the option to purchase all photos of your car by entrant/driver for $50 (digital download) or $65 (photos supplied on USB delivered to an address in Australia). The latter two options are the best value for those that competed in the Hillclimb and Motorkhana. Please note that the $50 offer is until the end of May at which point Jim archives the photos and removes them from his computer. Then all the photos will go back to the normal price of $100 per entrant, same as the normal Hillclimbs.
If entrants want to take advantage of the bulk download option they need to contact Jim via email or phone with details of their car and the event/s they competed in.
Ian Colley Photography - 0426 26 55 39 - www.iancolleyphotography.com.au

For Sale now in Classifieds