The MG Car Club of Qld Inc is a Motorsport Australia affiliated Club, founded in 1954 and now has over 800 members. The Club is based in Brisbane but also has five country Chapters.
The Club is fortunate in having its own Clubrooms and motorsport venue which allows the Club to offer its members a wide range of Social and Competition events.
The Clubrooms are located at 8/16 Collinsvale St, Rocklea and are open on the first and third Friday of each month for a friendly get together known as a Noggin ‘n’ Natter. The Clubrooms are licensed and are also the home of the Club’s well stocked library of over 1300 items, most of them car related.
Click here for a map and contact details.
Social activities, other than those held in the Clubrooms, are Club runs. Midweek runs are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month and day runs are held almost as often.
A calendar of events is available on the relevant page of this website. The Club magazine, the Octagon, is published every two months.
The Mt Cotton hillclimb situated on Gramzow Rd at Mt Cotton has been operating continuously since February 1968. It is situated in a parklike bushland setting and is well maintained by an industrious group of Club volunteers.
The Club is also involved in other areas of motorsport including race meetings, night navigation runs, motorkhanas and sprints.
An annual activity which is both social and competitive is the annual Concours, currently being held in the grounds of Trade-Coast Heritage Park.
The Club has a wide range of Club regalia available. Details and an order form are on the relevant page of this website.
Membership is open to MG owners and enthusiasts at $100.00 per year ($80.00 Country).
Go to the JOIN THE CLUB page to pay or join online through our Members Portal, or download a membership application form
We hope you familiarize yourself with what the Club has to offer by exploring all the pages from the MENU above. Please click on "More" for the rest of our pages.
The website is frequently updated so please come back and visit often to keep up with the latest news, results and photos from events.
Click here for this year's calendar and add it to your list of favourites!!
Click here to be taken to the 2024 National Meeting page.
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