MT COTTON HILLCLIMB SERIES, Round 2 - 28-29 April, 2018
What a difference the weather makes! In contrast to Rd 1, Rd 2 on 28/29 April was run in almost perfect conditions except for a couple of showers on Sat. The good Sunday conditions had everyone in top form with one record broken (again by Ross Mackay who reduced is his own record by 0.02s to 44.93). With a strong field of competitors including a large number of openwheeler hillclimb specials - and spectators - present there was a strong feeling of anticipation of some great times to be posted and no one was disappointed. Dean Tighe's FTD was 37.91 and his Top Six winning time was 37.62, a time which was needed in order to better Dean Amos's time of 37.72 and take out the award. The quality of the competitors in the Top Six was such that the 'slowest' of the six times 40.97! The spectators who stayed for this part of the day's competition certainly were treated to a display of exceptionally high quality and certainly worth waiting for -- along with Richard Mattea's great informative and entertaining commentary.
The photos below were taken of the Class winners at the presentation of trophies held immediately after the event. Many thanks to all of the winners who stayed behind to collect their trophies.
Steve Spencer has also provided photos he took on Sunday 29th at Mt Cotton, for display here and on our Facebook page. He has generously offered copies of these free of charge to Club members if you email him
at spencerphoto@live.com.au.
Photos taken by Ian Colley on Sunday are available from a link here.
More than 200 photos from Rd 2 taken by Craig Hutchinson can be viewed here.
Click here for Provisional Race results.
Click here for Split Times

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