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As part of their contribution to the 60th anniversary of the Club being celebrated in 2014, the current Octagon Editor, Elaine Hamilton, and the Club Webmistress, Glenda Crew, worked together to make all issues of the Octagon which are in the Club's archives accessible through the website. This gives you all great insight into the Club's history as you read about people, events, results etc from over the past 60 years. It also allows you to see the progression of the Octagon from a slim Fordigraph (spirit duplicator) 8 page issue to the current full colour, fully professionally produced issues.


It would be nice to be able to identify all of the Editors from over the years and thank them but there are many issues where the Editor has chosen to stay anonymous.


However, some people do need to be mentioned and they are: Frank Taylor was 1st Editor of the Octagon who remained anonymous until his last issue.

Joan Appleby who was first mentioned as assisting with the Octagon way back in 1966 and who later took on the responsibility - along with many other tasks - in the early 90s when she and David Robinson worked together to keep communication with Club members possible either through newsletters or Octagons.


The longest serving Editors were Peter and Delia Rayment who were responsible for the Octagons for the years from 1977 to 1990. Bruce Mutch had a long term of duty from 1997 to 2005 which was when Elaine Hamilton became involved. Others who, over the years, have had the Editorial 'pen' include Mrs Hunter, Iain Corness, Bill Hemming, John and Malcolm Campbell, Allan and Colleen Conway, John and Helen Kingcott plus a cast of extras.


Please realise when reading these that the scans can only be as good as the original and some of the very early issues were printed on a spirit duplicator which didn't leave a permanent image. 


Please click each issue  for a pdf file to read or an online magazine version for the more recent Octagons.

Page 10 - 2003 - 2009

Page 1 - 1957 -1960
Page 2 - 1961 -1965 
Page 3 - 1966 - 1970

Page 4 - 1971 - 1975
Page 5 - 1976 - 1980 
Page 6 - 1981 - 1985


Page 7 - 1986 - 1990

Page 8 - 1991 - 1995
Page 9 - 1996 - 2002
Page 10
 - 2003 - 2009

Page 11 - 2010 - 2016
Page 12 - 2017 - 2023
Page 13 - 2024 - 2030

March, 2003

May, 2003

July, 2003

September, 2003

December, 2003


February, 2004

September, 2004

May, 2004

November, 2004

July, 2004

December, 2004


February, 2005

August, 2005

April, 2005

October, 2005

June, 2005

December, 2005


February, 2006

August, 2006

April, 2006

October, 2006

June, 2006

December, 2006




For Sale now in Classifieds

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